Marquisha has been a member of Challengers since she was 9 years old and has accomplished so much in 6 years. She is currently in the 10th grade at Lou Dantzler High School and has a G.P.A. of 3.9. As president of Challengers’ Keystone Club and Leaders in Training programs she coordinates fundraisers for the Keystone Club as well as organize their Feed the Homeless project where the teens get together, make sandwiches and go out to help those in need. This year has been a stellar year for Marquisha and we couldn’t be prouder.
Marquisha sits on the national Keystone Steering Committee which is a small group of teens that organize the Keystone Conference in Atlanta. She was 1of 4 teens selected nationwide to sit on a panel at the 2009 BGCA National Conference Board of Governors meeting in Atlanta where they addressed teen issues and wants. She was also 1 of 3 kids selected nationwide to sit on the Steering committee for the Euro-Keystone Conference.
Marquisha’s goal is to go to Howard University in Washington D.C. and major in communications with a minor in phycology.
“We wish you all the best life has to offer and you are proof that with hard work anything is possible,” says Nate Wilson, Unit Director. “Thank you for being such a great role model here at Challengers, you represent everything we strive for!”
Member Spotlight: Marquisha Swain
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Challengers Boys and Girls Club
at 6:05 PM Labels: Member Spotlight